Call for Entry

76th Locarno Film Festival – Call for Entry 2023

Dear Asian filmmakers, the Locarno Film Festival (Switzerland) is accepting films until May 3, 2023.

About the festival:
The Locarno Film Festival aims to promote arthouse cinema of artistic merit; to provide a showcase for major new films of the year from around the world; to take stock, in its competitive sections, of the new perspectives of filmmaking expression, concentrating especially on such new film directors and industries as command international attention.

The festival accepts films for these categories: The Concorso Internazionale, the Concorso Cineasti del Presente, the Pardi Di Domani Section, and the Locarno Kids.

* Concorso Internazionale:
– Accepts feature films, documentaries, and animation.
– Films must be over 60 minutes in length.
– Films must be world or International premieres.

* Concorso Cineasti del Presente:
– For 1st and 2nd full-length features.
– Accepts feature films, documentaries, and animation.
– Films must be over 60 minutes in length.
– Films must be world or International premieres.

* Pardi Di Domani Section:
– Accepts all kind of genres.
– Only for filmmakers who haven’t done a feature films.
– Accepts short films under 59 minutes in length.
– Films must be world or International premieres.

* Locarno Kids
– Films for Children and Teenagers (6-14 year old)
– Films must be at least Swiss Premiere.

There are two more categories: Semaine de la critique (for documentaries – and the Panorama Suisse (for Swiss films – that are independently organized within the festival framework.

– The selected films must have been completed within the 12 (twelve) months preceding their Festival screening, therefore, the festival will only consider films completed after August 31, 2022.
– Films selected must not have been previously released outside their production countries prior to the official presentation at the Locarno Film Festival. World premieres (first public screening) are favored. Films available on Internet, broadcasted on television or commercially released on VOD, DVD, Blu-Ray or any other format are not eligible.
– All Swiss productions and co-productions must be world premieres.
– Works that are solely promotional, educational or scientific in character are not eligible.
– Films submitted for previous editions of the Festival may not be resubmitted, not even in a new version.
– Submissions must be done via the official website (see link below).
– All films must be submitted in the original language with English subtitles. Films without English subtitles will not be considered. For pre-selection, English-language films do not require subtitles.
– Due to high number of submissions, the Festival is unable to provide any personal feedback in case of non-selection.
– The upload of the film and the entry fee payment must be completed before the chosen deadline (before midnight CET). Incomplete or misleading entries will not be considered. In case of cancellation of the submission, the registration fee will not be reimbursed.
– If selected the accepted screening formats are: 35mm or DCP.
Submissions Fees & Deadline:

We recommend filmmakers to read the full Rules and Regulations here:

To submit your film please go here:

We remind readers that the 76th Locarno Film Festival will take place from August 2– 12, 2023 in Locarno, Switzerland.

To see other Calls please follow the next link: “Call For Entries”.

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