
11th QCinema International Film Festival – Closing Film 2023

The Breaking Ice directed by Anthony Chen will close the QCinema International Film Festival which will take place from November 17 – 26, 2023 in Quezon City, Philippines.

The Breaking Ice by Anthony Chen – China, Singapore | 2023 – 97 minutes
Singapore’s entry to the 2024 Academy Awards. In the Chinese city of Yanji, near the border to North Korea, tourist Haofeng (Zhou Dongyu), guide Nana (Liu Haoran), and Nana’s friend Xiao explore the snowy city and its environs, and along the way develop feelings for each other as they discover truths about themselves. Inspired by the Nouvelle Vague classic Jules and Jim, Chen filters that film’s central relationships through Asian reserve, spinning a nuanced tale of young people who are not quite equipped to say what it is they really feel.


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