
20 Short Films you shouldn’t miss at the 25th Seoul International Women’s Film Festival (Part 2)

We continue with our list of short films you shouldn’t miss at the Seoul International Women’s Film Festival which will take place from August 24 – 30, 2023 in Seoul, Korea.

To see the first part of this article, please go HERE

Nameless Syndrome by Cha Jeamin – Korea | 2022 – 24 minutes

Composed of five chapters, this essay film uses narration and juxtaposition to layer reflection of bodies in mirror, glass, and water inside an examination room. This work focuses on the objectification of a body as a private space through its manifestation as an image, and the alienation from its image. (SIWFF 2023)

Screening Dates:
August 25, 2023 | Friday | MEGABOX SangamWorldcup 6 | 17:00 pm
August 28, 2023 | Monday | MEGABOX SangamWorldcup 8 | 14:30 pm


Noriko Setsuko by Woo Juin – Korea | 2023 – 9 minutes | World Premiere

The film reconstructs the life of Noriko by selecting scenes from Oz Yasujiro’s films featuring actor Hara Setsuko.

Screening Dates:
August 27, 2023 | Sunday | MEGABOX SangamWorldcup 6 | 13:30 pm
August 30, 2023 | Wednesday| MEGABOX SangamWorldcup 6 | 12:00 pm

Shallots & Garlic by Andrea Nirmala Widjajanto – Indonesia, Canada | 2022 – 18 minutes | Korean Premiere

When polar opposite sisters Nur and Karina reunite for their grandparents’ wedding anniversary dinner, Karina starts itching and blames Nur for putting garlic in her food.

Screening Dates:
August 27, 2023 | Sunday | MEGABOX SangamWorldcup 6 | 10:00 am
August 30, 2023 | Wednesday| MEGABOX SangamWorldcup 1 | 13:00 pm


Teleporting by Kwon Ohyeon, Tanzawa Chifumi, Nam Arum, Noka Nana – Korea, Japan | 2022 – 23 minutes

Kitty and Tommy live in Korea, Mia and Emma in Japan. COVID-19 prevents them from meeting in person. However, they form a special friendship through video calls, AR avatars, and an automatic translation function on chat apps. Through screens, they teleport into each other’s lives, transcending language and distance.

Screening Dates:
August 26, 2023 | Saturday | MEGABOX SangamWorldcup 6 | 10:00 am
August 28, 2023 | Monday | MEGABOX SangamWorldcup 6 | 13:00 pm

The Cold Breath by Chae Hanyoung – Korea | 2023 – 17 minutes | World Premiere

Seung-yeon and Yeon-soo, who broke up just before 100 days of relationship, go to see Yeonsoo’s mother late at night.

Screening Dates:
August 26, 2023 | Saturday | MEGABOX SangamWorldcup 4 | 17:00 pm
August 28, 2023 | Monday | MEGABOX SangamWorldcup 6 | 16:30 pm

The College Entrance Exams is Scarier than the Ghost! by Hong Yein, Heo Jiwon – Korea | 2022 – 20 minutes | World Premiere

Hanbyul believes and practices all kinds of superstitions to succeed on the CSAT. Actually, she is a big chicken who only eats plain rice for school meals. She is fueled by a rumor that a person who steals the workbook of a ghost hidden behind the school would excel in the test; Hanbyul decides to visit a ghost.

Screening Dates:
August 25, 2023 | Friday | MEGABOX SangamWorldcup 7 | 13:00 pm
August 28, 2023 | Monday | MEGABOX SangamWorldcup 5 | 13:30 pm

The Lee Families by Seo Jeong-mi – Korea | 2023 – 26 minutes

The country house, the only inheritance from the grandfather, was bequeathed to the eldest grandson. Upon hearing this news, the mother cannot simply stand by and allow it to happen.

Screening Dates:
August 26, 2023 | Saturday | MEGABOX SangamWorldcup 6 | 16:30 pm
August 29, 2023 | Tuesday | MEGABOX SangamWorldcup 6 | 12:30 pm


The Nocturnal Kids by Park Ji-su – Korea | 2022 – 26 minutes

Haewon is an 18-year boy who hates his father who is not faithful to his mom. Hayeong, a girl who lives in the same apartment as Haewon, became alone after her father passed away. Late at night, the two decide to punish Haewon’s father for his love affair.

Screening Dates:
August 25, 2023 | Friday | MEGABOX SangamWorldcup 6 | 20:00 pm
August 29, 2023 | Tuesday | MEGABOX SangamWorldcup 7 | 17:00 pm

The Sea on the Day When The Magic Returns by Han Jiwon – Korea | 2022 – 25 minutes

Sejin once had the power to have anything she wanted just by thinking about it. But now she has lost her magic. Perhaps it disappeared because she couldn’t think of what she wanted. Six hours before her tourist interpreter job interview, Sejin heads to the weary sea to save her father.

Screening Dates:
August 25, 2023 | Friday | MEGABOX SangamWorldcup 6 | 20:00 pm
August 29, 2023 | Tuesday | MEGABOX SangamWorldcup 7 | 17:00 pm


Your Liberation by Park Hyejin – Korea | 2023 – 26 minutes | World Premiere

Kim Siho, the director’s grandfather, participated in the Vietnam War in December 1969. Through his story, the director imagines the images of her grandfather during wartime. She questions how his liberation can be connected with her liberation by listening to her grandfather’s present life story, who is still suffering from exposure to defoliant. 

Screening Dates:
August 25, 2023 | Friday | MEGABOX SangamWorldcup 7 | 13:00 pm
August 28, 2023 | Monday | MEGABOX SangamWorldcup 5 | 13:30 pm


To see the first part of this article, please go HERE
We also recommended 20 feature films from this festival you can read about them HERE

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