Call for Entry

11th QCinema International Film Festival – Call for Entry 2023

The QCinema International Film Festival (Philippines) is accepting short films (under 20 minutes) from Southeast Asia until September 1, 2023.

About the festival:
The QCinema International Film Festival (QCinema) is organized by the Quezon City Film Development Foundation. This annual film festival is designed to serve as the lens through which the general public will get to appreciate the active role of Quezon City in Philippine filmmaking from its pioneering years in the 50’s down to the present and on to the future. The organization give grants to local filmmakers who premiere their films during the festival. In just a few years the QCinema managed to be ranked at the very top due to their excellent programming that includes not only local but international films.

Eligibility for the QC-SEA Shorts Competition:
– The competition is open to all Southeast Asian directors of ages 18 years old and above.
– The film must have a total running time of not more than twenty (20) minutes, including the opening and closing credits.
– Non-English language film submissions must include English subtitles.
– The festival accepts any form of genre: documentary, experimental, and narrative.
– Films must be Philippines Premiere.
– Submitted films should not be available in any streaming platforms, free or paid accessible in the Philippines.
– The festival only accepts films produced from January 2022 to August 2023.
– The organizers and the selection committee reserves the right to disqualify any participant and/or to forfeit any prize from a participant who is found to have committed plagiarism or has undertaken fraudulent practice and/or activities harmful to the Festival or the Festival submission process.
– By entering a film for consideration to QCinema International Film Festival, the participants agree to abide by the Festival guidelines and rules. The QIFF shall be indemnified of any liabilities.
– The decision of the Selection Committee is final and irrevocable. The organizers and the selection committee are not obliged to give an explanation for the results.
Submission Fee: FREE
Submission Deadline: September 1, 2023 (11:59 PM. Philippines Time)

We recommend filmmakers to read the full Rules and Regulations here:

To submit your film please visit:

We remind readers that the 11th QCinema International Film Festival will take place from November 17– 26, 2023 in Quezon City, Philippines.

To see other Call for Entries please follow the next link: “Call For Entries”.

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