
14th Korean Film Festival in Australia – Opening Film 2023

The Night Owl directed by An Tae-jin will open the Korean Film Festival in Australia which will take place from August 24 until September 17, 2023 in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, and Brisbane, Australia.

The Night Owl by An Tae-jin – Korea | 2022 – 118 minutes

“What do you see?”
In a fascinating twist of fate, Kyeong-Soo, an acupuncturist who is blind in daylight, possesses an extraordinary ability to see clearly during the nighttime hours. One fateful evening, his unique vision exposes him to a tragic event—the untimely demise of the crown prince. This unexpected death plunges King Injo into a state of madness, haunted by the circumstances surrounding his son’s passing. Driven by a deep sense of justice, Kyeong-Soo embarks on a perilous journey to uncover the truth behind the crown prince’s mysterious death. As he delves deeper into the enigmatic circumstances, he becomes entangled in a dangerous web of palace politics and hidden agendas. With determination as his guiding light, Kyeong-Soo confronts the daunting task of unveiling the secrets that have led to the king’s descent into madness. Armed with his extraordinary night vision and unwavering resolve, he dares to challenge the powers that be, risking his own safety to bring forth the truth and restore justice to the kingdom. In this captivating tale, Kyeong-Soo’s pursuit of truth intertwines with the weight of history, illuminating the darkness that clouds the throne and pushing the boundaries of what one blind acupuncturist can achieve in the face of royal intrigue and deception. (KFFA 2023)

August 24, 2023 | Thursday | Event Cinema George St. | Sydney | 19:00 pm
September 1, 2023 | Friday| Palace Electric Cinema | Canberra | 18:30 pm
September 7, 2023 | Thursday | ACMI | Melbourne | 19:15 pm
September 14, 2023 | Thursday | Elizabeth Picture Theatre | Brisbane | 18:00 pm


To see the full list of films presented for this year please go HERE
For more information, please visit:

  1. Screening times and dates can change please be sure to follow the festival on their social media for updates ↩︎

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