
3rd Korean Film Festival Barcelona – Opening Film 2023

Hero directed by Yoon Je-kyoon will open the Korean Film Festival Barcelona which will take place from September 13 – 17, 2023 at the Cinemes Girona in Barcelona, Spain.

Hero by Yoon Je-kyoon – Korea | 2022 – 120 minutes

An Jung-Geun (Jung Sung-Hwa) is a fighter for the Korean independence movement. Seol-Hee (Kim Go-Eun) used to be a court lady for Queen Myeongseong, but, after Queen Myseongseong was assassinated by the Japanese, Seol-Hee takes part in Korean independence activity. She becomes a geisha and gains the favor Hirobumi Ito, who is the Japanese Resident-General of Korea. He travels to Manchuria and Seol-Hee accompanies him. Korean independence fighter An Jung-Geun learns of Hirobumi Ito’s travel plans from Seoul-Hee. An Jung-Geun decides to assassinate Hirobumi Ito for the Korean independence movement. (AsianWiki)


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