Call for Entry

11th Seeyousound International Music Film Festival – Call for Entry 2025

Dear Asian filmmakers, the Seeyousound International Music Film Festival (Italy) is accepting films until November 17, 2024.

About the festival:
The festival is the brainchild of Seeyousound Cultural Association that organizes with the collaboration and support of public institutions and private sponsors. The festival’s purpose consists in supporting, strengthening the audio-visual culture, and generating a reflection about the importance and influence of music-themed films.

The festival’s program consists of the International Competitions, the non‐competitive sections (focus and retrospectives), and special events.

– The festival accepts feature films (over 30 minutes), and short films (under 30 minutes). Films can be fiction, experimental, or documentary.
– Films must have been produced after January 1, 2023.
– Music Videos (Soundies Contest) must have been produced after January 1, 2024.
– The theme of the proposed works must be explicitly music-­based (musicians and music producers biopics, portraits of authors, singers or bands, reflections on music genres, critical insights, backstage stories pertaining to music in all its forms, etc.).
– Films previously submitted will not be accepted.
– By submitting the film, you assume the responsibility for the content of the work and declare to be the owners of all rights (direct and indirect) on the work itself.
– Italian (or English if Italian is not available) subtitles in srt format (SubRip format) are required for a non-Italian-speaking feature and short films.
Submission Fees and Deadlines:

Notification Date: December 21, 2024

We recommend filmmakers to read the full Rules and Regulations here: (This is also the submission link)

We remind readers that the 11th Seeyousound International Music Film Festival will take place from February 20 – 26, 2025 in Torino, Italy.

To see other Calls please follow the next link: “Call For Entries”.

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